Ich hätte gern ein Paar Giraffenohren!

Unterwegs mit gewaltfreier Kommunikation – von Ysabelle Wolfe


Hallo, Welt!

Ich habe ja bei Anu Garg ein „Word a day“ abonniert und bekomme jeden Tag ein wunderbares englisches Wort per Mail geschickt. Heute fand ich folgende Mail in meinem Briefkasten, die mich sehr angesprochen hat. Falls jemand von Euch ebenfalls Interesse hat, ein Wort zu abonnieren, hier die Adresse.

So long!


The Magic of Words

There’s a new exhibit here in Seattle, showcasing props from the Harry Potter series. As I make my way through it, I see kids holding magic wands in their little fingers and pretending to cast spells. If only we all had a book of spells we could use to make things happen!
It turns out we do. It’s called a dictionary. It has all the magical words we need (though some assembly is required). We can use them to convince (from Latin vincere: to overcome), to motivate (from movere: to move), to inspire (from inspirare: to breathe [life] into), and more.

At Wordsmith.org we’d like to continue introducing you to spells new and old, but we need your help.

Autumn Contributing Membership Drive: If you enjoy reading our daily A.Word.A.Day, please consider becoming a contributing member:

Become a contributing member

We appreciate your support in any amount. Those contributing $100 or more are invited to choose one of the following thank-you gifts:
o MooT, a game of etymology and semantics, courtesy Blair Arts
o An autographed copy of any one of my books
As always, keep us posted with your feedback.

Anu Garg

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